Kingston & District Sports Hall of Fame Calendar of Timelines and Events



  • Public announcement of Inductees (week 2)
  • Solicit program advertisements once Inductees have been announced to the public
  • Print dinner tickets (week 3)



Board Meeting:

  • Take photograph of Board
  • Distribute dinner tickets
  • Determine Master of Ceremonies
  • President’s follow-up letter to Inductees (week 2)



Board Meeting:

  • Receive any notices of motion for amendments to the constitution
  • Discuss Board Members up for re-election at AGM
  • Establish nominating committee to lobby potential candidates for Board and Selection Committee (3-yr term). Begin deliberations and solicitation (week 3)
  • Revise Inductee/Media Luncheon list
  • Announce deadline for program advertisements (March 31st)
  • Announce deadline to reserve tables (April 21st)
  • Public service announcement regarding the purchase of tickets (week 1)
  • Distribute posters to various strategic locations (week 1)
  • Deadline for plaque biographies and photographs (March 25th)
  • Order Souvenirs (week 3)
  • Prepare invitations for Inductee/Media Luncheon (week 4)
  • Prepare additional copies of the Inductee Nomination Form for May distribution (week 4)



Board Meeting:

  • Discuss any notices of motion for amendments to the constitution
  • Discuss reserved tables and ticket sales
  • Announce that the deadline to purchase tickets is the Inductee/Media Luncheon and Board Members shall return their outstanding tickets at that time.
  • Mail invitations to Inductee/Media Luncheon, with the April newsletter, following the Board meeting; request a prompt response; include the proposed constitution amendments to our voting membership.
  • If necessary, do a phone follow-up to luncheon invitations within 3 days of the deadline response date
  • Inductee/Media Luncheon is held 10 days prior to the Dinner
  • Pick-up program and Inductee plaques by April.



Board Meeting:

  • Discuss Selection Committee Members up for election in September
  • Identify citizens eligible to vote at June AGM
  • Ceremonial Dinner for Inductees is held on the 1st Friday in May
  • Secure dinner location for next year (week 2)
  • Distribute Inductee nomination forms to various locations throughout the city (week 2)
  • Make public service announcements (Press, radio, TV) seeking nominations (week 3)
  • Hang Inductee plaques in the Sports Hall of Fame (week 3)
  • Wrap up solicitation process for potential Board Members (week 4)
  • Continue to lobby (May – Aug) for potential Selection Committee Members



Board Meeting:

  • Request that Board Members responsible for giving summary reports at the AGM as outlined and be prepared to do so

Annual General Meeting (AGM – week 3):

  • Conduct meeting as outlined



  • Rejuvenate spirits
  • Tie up any loose ends
  • Continue search for Selection Committee Members
  • Review applications for Achievement Awards



Board Meeting:

  • Elect Executive
  • Review Committees and establish members on each committee
  • Elect Selection Committee members
  • Make public service announcement (press/radio/TV) regarding the September 15th deadline to return nomination forms (week 2)
  • Selection Committee reviews the process and begins their research validation (week 3)



  • Selection Committee continues their research validation (weeks 3-4)



  • Selection Committee concludes their research and validation and begins to discuss, deliberate, and vote on their selections for the upcoming year (weeks 1-4)
  • Take photograph of Selection Committee (week 3)



Board Meeting:

  • Inductees presented to the Board for approval
  • INDUCTEE/BOARD MEMBER LIAISON: Each Inductee is assigned an individual contact person who is a KDSHF Board Member in order to assure that the Inductee be given every consideration to assure a memorable experience for each inductee and their guests.
  • Designate members to serve as “contact person” for each Inductee
  • President’s Letter of Congratulations to Inductees (week 2)